The new local user and group cmdlets in PowerShell 5.1

With the recent release of PowerShell 5.1—part of Windows Management Framework (WMF) 5.1—Microsoft introduced new cmdlets for working with local user and group accounts: Get-LocalUser, New-LocalUser, Remove-LocalUser, New-LocalGroup, Add-LocalGroupMember, and Get-LocalAdministrators. In this article, I will explore how to use these cmdlets by showing a few simple examples as well as how to perform some advanced tasks.

Prior to this release, having to perform tasks with local users and groups from the Windows command line could be cumbersome. It was necessary to revert to commands such as net user, VB scripting, or using the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) WinNT provider such as Sitaram showed here on 4sysops.


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